lördag 25 september 2010

Se vad som hände när jag var inloggad på skype!

service administratif et financier (SPH): hello

 service administratif et financier (SPH): do you speack english?

Camila Reveco: yes

 service administratif et financier (SPH): well

 Camila Reveco: men yes

 service administratif et financier (SPH): so can we know each other?

service administratif et financier (SPH): :)

 Camila Reveco: no. who are you?

service administratif et financier (SPH): so why you ask me when you are not ready to talk and know each other?

 service administratif et financier (SPH): :)

Camila Reveco: I haven't asked you anything. I don't know who u r?.

 service administratif et financier (SPH): you asked me: "who are you"

 service administratif et financier (SPH): did you forget?

 service administratif et financier (SPH): anyway

service administratif et financier (SPH): i'll tell you

 service administratif et financier (SPH): i'm Walid

service administratif et financier (SPH): 29 years old

 service administratif et financier (SPH): a financial in a company speciallized in producing milk and it's dairies

service administratif et financier (SPH): and i'm from Tunisia( in the north of Africa)

 Camila Reveco: Ok. Fun. You seem nice. But I don't need more friends. Have a nice life :)

Sen när började skype fungera som chat. Jag fattar ingenting. Han ljuger ju också jag har inte frågat vem han är..... Jag är rädd.
ps. Tove det är ditt fel för jag satt inne på skype och väntade på dig. Do not open the brev jag har skickat! Be afraid, be very afraid!

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